Cat Articles

When it comes to caring for your cat, you need to get your information from an expert. To see what Purina’s experts have to say about cat nutrition, behavior, development, training and more, explore all our articles below.

Orange cat jumping

Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

Discover the answer to the common question 'do cats always land on their feet?' Learn the science behind your favourite feline companion's ability to flip.


Does My Cat Have Allergies?
Does My Cat Have Allergies?
Cats are pretty resilient creatures, but sometimes our furry friends can come down with mysterious symptoms that mimic those of human allergies. Unfortunately, it can be pretty hard to pin down what's causing them — and it's certainly no fun watching your kitties when they're in obvious discomfort.
Feline Acne: What Is Cat Acne and What Can You Do About It?
Feline Acne: What Is Cat Acne and What Can You Do About It?
You've probably experienced your share of acne at one time or another, but did you know that your cat can have breakouts too? Acne is really just an infection of the skin, usually at the hair follicle. Any animal can experience it. If you've noticed that your cat has pimples along their chin or other areas of the skin, they may have feline acne.
Why Is My Cat Drinking a Lot of Water?
Why Is My Cat Drinking a Lot of Water?
Water is an important substance, and every living thing depends on it — including your cat. But it's also possible for too much water to make your cat sick. If you think your cat is drinking more than usual or may be drinking too much water, it's important to get them checked out by a veterinarian to rule out any illnesses or other issues.
A Guide to Water Bowls for Cats
A Guide to Water Bowls for Cats
Providing fresh, clean water and nutritious food is one of the most important parts of keeping your cat healthy and happy. To do that, you need the right tools. The amount of different cat water and food dishes that are available can be overwhelming, but with some research and information you can make a choice that's right for your cat.
How to Discipline a Cat
How to Discipline a Cat
Cats can be wonderful companions, but any pet can bring problematic or seemingly inexplicable behaviours with them, and feline friends are no exception. Here, we'll discuss where these behaviours come from and outline the best methods for how to discipline a cat or, for that matter, how to discipline a kitten.
A Guide on How to Clean a Cat's Ears
A Guide on How to Clean a Cat's Ears
Learning how to clean a cat's ears is not that difficult. It takes just a few supplies, a little forethought, and a heaping helping of patience.
Cat Ticks and What You Need to Know
Cat Ticks and What You Need to Know
If you've ever lived in wooded areas or near grassy fields, you've probably had some firsthand experience with unpleasant problems caused by ticks. These tiny parasites commonly hop on humans while they're hiking, camping or otherwise spending time outdoors. Ticks can also be a nuisance for your kitty.
Can Cats Dream?
Can Cats Dream?
If you've owned a cat for a while, you already know that they spend the vast majority of their time sleeping. On a normal day, a cat spends about 15 hours sleeping, but cats who are very tired or who have been under large amounts of stress can sleep for up to a full 24 hours.
How to Identify Ringworm in Cats
How to Identify Ringworm in Cats
As a cat owner, ringworm is one of those words you don't want to hear when visiting the vet. Ringworm in cats is a zoonotic fungal skin condition that's highly contagious and can spread to other animals. In addition, it can be passed to humans by infected animals. That's why it's so important to get your cat to the vet as soon as you see any signs or symptoms of ringworm.
A Guide to Understanding Pancreatitis in Cats
A Guide to Understanding Pancreatitis in Cats
The pancreas is a small organ responsible for important functions. When it becomes inflamed, this condition is called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis in cats is a common disease and can have lasting consequences on their health if left untreated. This guide provides an in-depth pancreatitis definition and explains what symptoms and causes you should be looking for as well as when to take your cat for veterinary care.
Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture & Objects?
Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture & Objects?
Why do cats scratch, and more specifically, why do cats scratch furniture? If you’re starting to get the feeling that your cat just likes to destroy things, especially your expensive furniture, think again. The truth is that your cat doesn’t have an axe to grind with your sofa or table legs — and her behaviour is actually quite normal.
Why Do Cats Meow at Night?
Why Do Cats Meow at Night?
As a cat owner and lover, you've probably become accustomed to many of the hissing, yowling and growling sounds that cats can make. But why do cats meow at night when you’d rather be sleeping? Many people don’t realize that cats meow only to humans; it's a learned attention-seeking behaviour. That means that if your cat is meowing, they’re trying to communicate something to you.