Dog & Cat Articles with Advice from Our Experts

Whether you have a dog, cat or both, our experts are here with all the information and tips you need. We use our Purina expertise to cover topics like dog and cat health, nutrition, behavior, training and more.

kitten looking out from a knit bowl

New Kitten Checklist: What Does a Kitten Need?

What does a kitten need in a new home? Beds, toys, litter boxes, grooming tools, food & other supplies are needed when bringing a kitten home. Read about the checklist of items your new kitten needs here.


7 Tips to Keep Your Senior Dog Active and Healthy
7 Tips to Keep Your Senior Dog Active and Healthy
When dogs reach the age of seven or older, they may slow down, sleep more, play less and show other external signs of ageing. However, exercise, mental stimulation and proper nutrition can help avoid some physical and cognitive changes that come along with age. Read on for expert tips on how to keep your senior dog active and healthy.
When to Feed Senior Dog Food
When to Feed Senior Dog Food
While there are some visible signs of ageing that occur in older dogs, there are also changes occurring internally. As your dog reaches the senior stage of their life, their bodies and digestion start to change and their immune system may need some extra support. To give the best to your furry friend, you may want to consider switching them to a dog food for senior dogs. Read on for some advice on when to feed senior dog food and to find out what makes senior dog food different from adult dog food.
How to Train a Small Dog
How to Train a Small Dog
Training a small dog is no different than training larger breeds and you might be surprised by how much your small dog is capable of learning. Learn how to train a small dog with these simple training tips.
Small Dog Exercise Tips
Small Dog Exercise Tips
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to help your dog maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Plus, it’s a great way for both of you to spend time together and strengthen your bond.
What to Feed a Small Dog
What to Feed a Small Dog
While every dog has unique needs, some dogs can benefit from foods specially formulated for their breed size. If you have a toy dog or a small dog, you may be interested in feeding him a dog food for small breeds.
Cat Feeding Guide
Cat Feeding Guide
Whether you're a new cat owner or a lifelong feline keeper, you may have occasionally wondered how much food is appropriate for your cat or whether to opt for dry or wet food. There are certainly many schools of thought on these topics, and your vet may have their own recommendations. Find out everything you need to know, including how much food is a sufficient amount for your kitty and whether dry or wet food is best with Purina Canada's cat feeding guide.
Why Are Dogs Scared of Thunder?
Why Are Dogs Scared of Thunder?
It may start with your dog seeming on edge for a few hours. They aren't settling in and napping like they usually do, and they might be startling at every sudden noise or movement. Then, you start to hear the distant rumblings of thunder, and you notice your dog's anxiety gets more intense.
Why Is My Cat Sneezing
Why Is My Cat Sneezing
Cats and humans share many similarities. Both are mammals and both use different parts of their bodies for sensory processing, for example. Another similarity between cats and humans is that both species sneeze from time to time. You may know the basic reasons why humans sneeze. But why do cats sneeze?
Dog Feeding Guide
Dog Feeding Guide
If you're wondering "How much food should I feed my dog?" you're not alone. How much to feed your dog and what food to choose are common questions from dog owners, and it's important to have an understanding of how to feed your dog for their best health. Learn more about best practices and tips in this dog feeding guide.
Why Do Dogs Bark
Why Do Dogs Bark
Whether your dog's bark sounds more like a squeak or is loud enough to make the mailman run the other way, all dogs bark to some extent. How much your dog barks depends heavily on breed, personality and training, but the answer to "Why do dogs bark?" is a little more complicated.
Why Is My Cat Biting Me?
Why Is My Cat Biting Me?
Learn about why cats bite and what you can do about it. With these tips, you can help your cat opt for something gentler when interacting with you.
Why Does My Dog Stare at Me?
Why Does My Dog Stare at Me?
Dogs love their owners, and it's not hard to see why they might spend hours staring at their owner and best friend. Some dogs take their staring to the next level, though. They might follow you around the house, all the while not taking their eyes off of you and half expecting a treat to drop from your fingers. So, what's going on here? If you've ever wondered "Why does my dog stare at me?" read on for some insight into this curious dog behaviour.

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